Save the Date

Our subject is DATING.  Talking, hanging out, being official, the whole spectrum of opposite sex relationship and connection. 

It’s a Different World (culture wise) It’s SO different than it used to be because culture has blurred what is right, what is acceptable. You’re going to stand out if you stand and live for what is right and what God says is good. What is acceptable today though is not righteousness leaning. So that’s why we are talking about it today. This is going to challenge you to go against modern or current culture in relationship. But God’s Word hasn’t changed and purity has not moved on the scale!

Your Value & Worth

Here’s the thing: Waiting for the one God has for you IS NOT easy, BUT your value and worth has been bought and paid for. Now you have a purpose and call. DON’T SQUANDER IT! The cost was great. What will you do with it?

Proverbs 4:23 says Keep (guard) your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Guard your heart, what does that really look like? It’s deciding in advance WHO you let into your life. OF COURSE YOU CAN HAVE FRIENDSHIPS!

Not Realizing your Call & Purpose

When you connect with the wrong person and break up, a part of your heart is affected that needs to then be healed by the Lord.  Not guarding your heart has an negative emotional impact. Also and more importantly marrying the wrong person means you most likely won’t realize your call, your purpose. Why? Because when your life becomes a mess and continual battle, it’s super hard to get to the place in God that He had intended. Psalm 139 speaks about your days being appointed.  We are flesh and spirit, but we tend to let the flesh make decisions for us.  That road does not lead to anything good! Trust the Lord to bring the one that will be everything you need and want.


Just Trust Him with your Future!

Prov 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

You can’t see what He sees; let Him do your life. He has WAY better for you than you have for yourself!


What’s the Plan?

We plan for college and/or career but we don’t plan our life. Let’s look ahead at Your future for a minute. What does it look like? How do you see your life? What’s in your heart to be and do? Do you have a spouse and kids? What does that look like? Do you have life goals?


Good Examples

Look around at a couple you look up to. You probably see them as being good to each other. They have a solid home life. Right? How do you think they got there? CHOICES. EVERY SINGLE DAY. We are usually in situations because of our choices in every area of our life. Big and little choices. Daily choices.

Again we will remind you of the 2 key things to think about BEFORE you connect with someone: (hold up 2 fingers)

1)   Do they know and walk with the Lord? What’s their character?

2)   Do you have God’s green light; in other words are they the ONE God has for your partner in marriage.

Spend your time in God’s Word. This is preparation time, so that you will be ready for your future!

Psalm 37:34

Wait on the Lord, And keep His way, And He shall exalt you to inherit the land;


Discussion: What are some ways I can keep my heart from wandering into wrong relationships? Who in your life can you be accountable to and under authority regarding healthy and right relationships?

Study: Proverbs 3: 5-6, Psalm 37: 34

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know you hold my future in your hand. Help me guard my heart and not allow myself to be in relationships that are not intended by you.