Love & Respect
Eph 5:33
Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Her: In what ways do you feel respected and honored by me?
His response: I feel respected when:
When you trust me
When you believe in me
When you support me
When you focus on my attributes and minimize my faults
When you say You’re the only one for me
When you say You’re amazing, you’re wonderful, you are the best
When you say You can do it
When you say You’re my king
Things like that.
Him: In what ways do you feel loved by me?
Her response: I feel loved, adored, cherished, valued, celebrated when:
When you keep my heart safe
When I feel taken care of, (not that I can’t take care of myself but) when you do, it feels like you are saying I don’t have to, and that you want to take care of me
When you prioritize me/us, meaning everything else comes after me/us
When you are present and not distracted by the million other (also wonderful) things that demand our time
When you protect me from everyday stresses
When you lead me/us, spiritually and naturally
When you hear me and make what is important to me, important to you
When you encourage me in my purpose and ministry
Every person has a different list of what and how they feel loved! It’s really an understanding of how marriage works for both male & female. It’s how we are wired. From that place we can better connect. Become a student of your spouse and how they were created.
Discussion: How can I love/respect my spouse better this week?
Devotion: Study Eph 5:33
Nevertheless, let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to be sensitive to the needs of my spouse in a way that will help us connect even better.