Love & Respect

Eph 5:33

Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.


Her: In what ways do you feel respected and honored by me?

His response: I feel respected when:

  • When you trust me

  • When you believe in me

  • When you support me

  • When you focus on my attributes and minimize my faults

  • When you say You’re the only one for me

  • When you say You’re amazing, you’re wonderful, you are the best

  • When you say You can do it

  • When you say You’re my king

Things like that.

Him: In what ways do you feel loved by me?

Her response: I feel loved, adored, cherished, valued, celebrated when:

  • When you keep my heart safe

  • When I feel taken care of, (not that I can’t take care of myself but) when you do, it feels like you are saying I don’t have to, and that you want to take care of me

  • When you prioritize me/us, meaning everything else comes after me/us

  • When you are present and not distracted by the million other (also wonderful) things that demand our time

  • When you protect me from everyday stresses

  • When you lead me/us, spiritually and naturally

  • When you hear me and make what is important to me, important to you

  • When you encourage me in my purpose and ministry

Every person has a different list of what and how they feel loved!  It’s really an understanding of how marriage works for both male & female. It’s how we are wired. From that place we can better connect. Become a student of your spouse and how they were created.

 Discussion: How can I love/respect my spouse better this week?

 Devotion: Study Eph 5:33 

Nevertheless, let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

 Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to be sensitive to the needs of my spouse in a way that will help us connect even better.