Marriage Vision Retreat
Today we are going to continue the topic we shared last week. If you weren’t here (or even if you were) here’s the recap: a Marriage Vision Retreat is a designated time you take so that as a couple, you can connect and be on the same page regarding all the areas that concern your:
Spiritual life
Personal life
Career life
Financial life
Parenting life
Social life
Health & Fitness life
Recreation & fun
Today we are going to break it down some. Probably the biggest key in our marriage relationship is communication. PEACE in the home is the result when we connect well, and TENSION & DISCORD is the result when there is a lack of good communication.
A HUGE key in good communication is that you feel like you are being heard. Why or why not? It’s really important to be heard. It’s saying to the other person I respect you. I respect your thoughts and feelings on XYZ topic. It’s not really that you must agree in every area. It’s that you know HOW to effectively express yourself, how to have a discussion.
If not, could it be:
1) You need to add love in how you express yourself?
2) Are you driving a point instead of just putting your feelings out there?
3) Are you expressing your point in anger?
4) Are you being accusatory?
5) Start by looking at yourself and how you might BETTER begin a discussion
6) When the other person expresses themself, do you tell them you appreciate how they feel? (If not, you need to begin to!)
My first response to any issue is Lord, you tell them, you deal with them, and then take my hands totally off. Because my best effort isn’t going to get the job done.
Ok we’re going to be hard on both the men and women. Sorry!
Do you need to be a better listener?
Proverbs 27: 15
A continual dripping on a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike; 16 Whoever restrains her restrains the wind, And grasps oil with his right hand. Contentious means quarrelsome. Do you know how irritating that is? It is actually going to keep the intended results from transpiring. Stop it! Give it to God!
It’s easy to begin again. To lay a new foundation start with Sandwich Talks.
Say something that recently happened that was really great, that the other person said or did.
For instance: Hey Babe, I wanted to tell you I was really touched by XYZ that you did/said. That really meant a lot. Be sincere.
Then share whatever is on your heart that you have an issue with or want to do a different way, etc. (Then leave it there.)
Finish with another word of encouragement regarding something good
That is a Sandwich.
Conflict resolution works well when both spouses are levelheaded. Simply express yourself and listen to the other person express themselves. Hear the other person and make the decision together.
COMMUNICATION is everything! Take time to evaluate your communication skills as a couple!
Also, if you want to review what we said last week on taking a Vision Retreat, you can replay the livestream from 12/22 or visit the website for the transcript and study points.
Discussion: When can we schedule a Marriage Vision Retreat? What are the logistics and topic areas we want to be sure to cover?
Study: Matt 19:5-6, Eph 5:31, Prov 27:15
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to be good listeners and to take to heart things that our spouse communicates. Help our communication to be the best it can be. In Jesus’ name we pray.