End Game
Attending funerals really gets you thinking. We have attended and taken part in several lately.
Of course, seeing the life of an individual on a screen or hearing stories in a eulogy never really paints the full picture if you didn’t have a relationship with them. It makes you wonder what kind of a person they were, what their life was about, and what kind of things they accomplished.
I started really thinking WHAT IF at the BEGINNING of our adult life, we were determined to live a great life with the end game in mind? What would we want our eulogy to be? And what would we want our gravestone to say? Whatever that is, would it speak long after we left this earth?
But what is Legacy really? Basically, a legacy is something left behind for the generations to come like an inheritance. It is a gift which will bring joy or benefit to another.
Our legacy is the only thing we really leave behind, at least with any eternal value. What eternal things do you want to leave behind? People that accomplish great things in life don’t just do so by chance. It’s a choice every single day. Good or bad.
With or Without God
Walking with the Lord of course is the only way our legacy is of true value. Mark 8: 36 says, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” When He lives in us, He lives through us. Our life then becomes fruitful.
In Marriage
Now let’s apply this to marriage. Think of a couple; it could be your parents, a special aunt & uncle, family friends, or a couple at church that have a marriage you admire. What sets them apart? Is it their kindness to each other? How they treat each other? Do they always seem tuned in to each other even in a crowd?
Most likely their love originates with the Lord. Do we really have anything but selfishness in us without God? And what we have in us flows out. Yes, we are made in His image, but we must be regenerated to exhibit His Glory, to become His expression in the earth. To be the husband or wife we need to be, we need God every single day of our life and especially in marriage and as parents. No question.
First and foremost, we want a legacy of a great marriage because marriage is a type of Christ and the Church. And for our pleasure. God set it up to be a blessing. When two people are applying biblical principles, it will be good and it will be fruitful, and it will last.
For the Kids
Secondly you want it to speak to your children. It’s very important they see their parents loving each other, doing things for each other, respecting each other, talking things out together, forgiving each other. They need to see it, so they know what to look for and how to do marriage themselves. Intentionally or not, we mentor our kids in marriage. We train them. They will have take aways… good and bad.
Here and Now
Beyond that, others in your sphere, extended family, friends, co-workers, associations, community, and church family all can see what kind of a marriage we have, exceptional, struggling, or somewhere in between.
For Legacy
No one has a perfect marriage; HOWEVER, we can have one that is well pleasing, and speaks after we take our last breath. What will yours be?
5 Marriage Legacy Goals
Makes marriage beautiful
Trains your children
Will be eternal: generations will follow
Other couples will likewise pattern their marriage and family in Christ
Can be evangelistic (others will want to know how it can really work well for them)
Discussion: What are our marriage strengths and weaknesses in regard to the 5 Marriage Legacy Goals?
Study: Eph 5:22-32
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to be Legacy minded. Help us always to put you first and treat our spouse like they should be treated.